A review on Bacopa monniera: Current research and future prospects

Kashmira J. Gohil, Jagruti A. Patel


In recent times, the use of herbal products has increased tremendously in the western world as well as in developed countries. Lately, one of the outstandingly important medicinal plants, widely used therapeutically in the orient and becoming increasingly popular in the west is Bacopa monniera, a well-known nootropic. The present review summarizes our current knowledge of pharmacological actions, preclinical and clinical studies, major bioactives, reported mechanisms of actions, clinical efficacy, safety and the possibility of interactions of the herb with the conventional drugs. Simultaneously, research updates as well as avenues for further research are
also mentioned concerning the plant.
Key words: Bacopa monniera, neurotonics, clinical studies, herb-drug interactions, preclinical studies

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22377/ijgp.v4i1.111


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