Analytical methods for diagnosis a mixture of narcotic substances in seized materials
Introduction: In the present study, reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography-ultraviolet (HPLC-UV) method was developed and validated for the three narcotic substances in grains tablets. The process of analysis used in the detection and qualitative assessment of narcotic substances includes three stages. Materials and Methods: The first detection uses the spot color under with the help of microscope (20% HC2H3O2 and platinic chloride) as detector where it interacts with the molecule and gives a specific color of that molecule which could be detected clearly by an optical microscope with strength Zoom 200 Mega pixels and comparing the obtained images with photos of standard models. Results: This method was most important in the detection of the first narcotic substances. The other detection involves HPLC-UV technique using the Arcus EP-C18; 5 μm, 4.5 × 250 mm column with a flow rate 1.2 ml/min at 25°C and wavelength 275 nm where the number of samples in the mixture of narcotics is isolated and diagnosis of the initial detection is confirmed by the number of peaks in this chromatogram. Hence, the number of peaks in this method is three peaks indicating clearly the number of materials in the mix. The third detection was conducted by gas chromatography (GC)-mass technology and included the separation of chromatography in the first phase and then estimation of the mass spectrum of each material in the mix using the instrument (GC-mass spectrum [GC-MS], MSDCHEM\1\METHODS\MUAFAQ.M) for the determination of M/Z negative ions at range temperature (70–375°C). Conclusion: The results of the microscopic analysis showed the appearance of three forms of the three studied compounds that are very similar to the standard images of the same compounds. The HPLC analysis showed the appearance of three clear peaks of the compounds in the mix. The GC-Mas analysis showed three compounds in the mix. All results of the analysis obtained indicate the accuracy and sensitivity of the method used in the analysis and measurement.
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