Estrogenic activity of petroleum ether extract of seeds of Citrus medica on immature albino rats

Sharangouda Sharangouda, Saraswati B. Patil


Estrogenic/anti-oestrogenic activities of petroleum ether extract of Citrus medica seeds was studied in albino rats. Th e extract at the dose level of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight was administered for seven days to immature ovariectomised rats, along with or without 1 μg ethinyl estradiol. Suitable controls were maintained. Th e extract-treated rats exhibited estrogenic eff ects, which include increase in uterine weight and vaginal epithelial cell cornifi cation. Th e micrometric measurements of the uterus and its components were increased and glands showed high secretory activity. When the above extract was tested in 30-day-old immature rats, they exhibited
opening of vagina on the fi fth day and cornifi cation of vaginal epithelial cells, which is about 10 days earlier compared to controls, further supporting the estrogenic activity of the extract. Hence, these results strongly indicate the potent estrogenic nature of petroleum ether extract of Citrus medica seeds, which may be used as an antifertility agent. Phytochemical studies of the petroleum ether extract of Citrus medica seeds were also carried out to fi nd the chemical nature of the extract.
Key words: Citrus medica, estrogenic, ethinyl estradiol, rats

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