Study of methanolic extract of flower of Spathodea campanulata L. as an anti-solar

Vinayak V. Patil, S. B. Patil, M. S. Kondawar, N. S. Naikwade, C. S. Magdum


Sunlight stimulates hormone production, allows for the synthesis of vitamin D, promotes skin cell regeneration and contributes to
all overall sense of well-being of individual. Also sunlight stimulates the melanin, the pigment that acts as the skin natural sunscreen. But excessive unprotected exposure to sunrays can lead to painful sunburn or other skin-related complications. This paper evaluates the UV absorption ability of flowers from Spathodea campanulata L. (Bignoniaceae) as an anti-solar agent. The extract was prepared by maceration with a mixture of distilled water and methanol (2:5). The method is performed by UV–visible spectrophotomety in the range of 200–400 nm and result of the extract showed maximum absorbance at 200–240 nm, while good absorbance at 240–325 nm. The moderate absorbance was noted at 310–340 nm.
Key words: UV protective, Spathodea campanulata, anti-solar

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