Determination of Coliform bacteria contamination on household ice cube in Bukittinggi

Renatalia Fika


Aim: To evaluate the quality of water used in the manufacture of household ice cubes in market of Bukittinggi. Material and Methods: Household ice cube samples were tested Most Probable Number (MPN) and Total Plate Count (TPC) method to determine MPN of Coliform and Coli fecal bacteria. Results and Discussion: The result is Most Probable Number (MPN) value of Coliform and coli fecal on Ice Cube A equal to Ice Cube B about 1100 Coliform/100 ml, meanwhile seller C has greater amount compared to the two previous seller, amounting to >2400 Coliform/100mL. For Total Plate Count (TPC), The number of sellers A = 181×104 Coliform/g, seller B = 20,7×104 Coliform/g, and seller C = 1920×104 Coliform/g. Conclusion: The household ice cubes used by the drink seller in market of Bukittinggi are not suitable for consumption.

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