Evaluation of immunomodulatory activity of ethyl acetate extract of Leucas aspera in Swiss albino mice

Bibin Baby Augustine, Suvakanta Dash, Mangala Lahkar, Venketeswara Rao Amara, Pavan Kumar Samudrala, Jaya Mary Thomas


Background: Leucas aspera is a widely used ethno‑medicinal plant for various diseases in India. In our recent research work, this plant showed powerful anti‑cancer activity in various cancer cell lines by stimulating macrophage cells which plays a central role in the immune system. Objective: The present study was conducted to evaluate the immunomodulatory activity of ethyl acetate extract of aerial parts of Leucas aspera (EALA). Materials and Methods: In the current study, we have used neutrophil adhesion test, carbon clearance test, haemagglutinating antibody titre test, delayed‑type hypersensitivity reaction test and cyclophosphamide‑induced immunosuppression test. EALA 200 and 400 mg/kg oral dose were selected for the study after conducting the acute dose toxicity study. All the studies were performed in Swiss albino mice. Results: EALA showed a dose dependant increase in the neutrophil adhesion
to the nylon fibres, produced a significant increase in the phagocytic index in carbon clearance test and a significant protection against cyclophosphamide‑induced immunosuppression. Moreover both doses of EALA produced an increase in the circulating serum immunoglobulins in haemagglutinating antibody titre test along with an increase in the foot pad edema in delayed‑type hypersensitivity reaction test.

Conclusion: From the above findings it is concluded that EALA has the ability to modulate both humoral and cell‑mediated immunity.
Key words: Cell‑mediated immunity, humoral immunity, immunomodulation, Leucas aspera

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22377/ijgp.v8i2.367


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