Pigeon pea seed husks as potent natural resource of anti‑oxidant and anti‑hyperglycaemic activity
Background: Pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L. Millspaugh) is an important food legume. Its seed, root and leaves have been explored for various medicinal properties. Pigeon pea seed husks constitute the major by‑product of milling industries and are mainly used as cattle feed.
Aim: To explore anti‑oxidant and anti‑hyperglycaemic potential in pigeon pea seed husks. Materials and Methods: Methanolic
extracts of pigeon pea seed husks were evaluated for various phytochemical constituents, free radicals scavenging and anti‑oxidant potentials in vitro. Crude methanol extract was further evaluated for its anti‑hyperglycaemic activity in starch‑induced postprandial
hyperglycaemic rats. Results: Methanolic extracts of seed husks were found to be the rich source of polyphenols and protein and
therefore possess potent free radicals scavenging, anti‑oxidant activities in vitro. Furthermore, crude methanol extract of pigeon pea seed husks significantly (P < 0.05) mitigated starch‑induced postprandial glycaemic excursions and reduced glycaemic load in rats similar to the standard drug acarbose. Conclusion: Observations made in this study indicate that husks of pigeon pea seeds may serve as potential natural resource for the development of anti‑oxidant rich anti‑hyperglycaemic functional food and/or nutraceuticals.
Key words: Anti‑hyperglycaemic activity, anti‑oxidant activity, Cajanus cajan, pigeon pea seed husks
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22377/ijgp.v7i3.331
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